URN REFLECTIONS is a special commission for a client who loves my roses but wanted it in a silver urn. I really enjoyed doing this piece as I think the vertical lines on the urn anchor the soft, flowy roses so well.
CRÉME CHAISE speaks of comfort, rest and peacefulness and the cool blue hues emphasize all this. I liked this scene as it reminds me of what I am working for...comfort, rest and peace!
DIE SLAAPKAMER is a beautiful rendering of a sunlit bedroom. I tried to capture the serenity of the room by focusing on the light which is reflected in the chandelier above the bed. This is such a calm setting of a place the home that should embody all that is peaceful.
DELFT STUDY gives a peak into a beautiful study with quite a few delft pieces scattered across the room. There is a lovely balance between the warm browns and blues and the hues of sun rays that make for a very tranquil painting!
WRITING DESK is a serene setting of a pleasant desk scene, complete with strong sunlight streaming through heavy curtains. The bold yellows are set off against cooler purples which make for a very relaxing atmosphere!
PICHET BLEU is a lovely study of oranges in my blue Delft platter amongst the other Delft and blue objects in my kitchen window. I love how the sun reflects through the oranges in the morning and always feel inspired to paint what awaits for me on the window sill!
CHANDELIER VIEW is a beautiful painting of a French interior with emphasis on the light that steams through the side window even though one is looking through the back window. A beautiful chandelier is set off against the stark light, coming through the tall French windows, which speaks of luxury and would compliment any interior!
Welcome to my blog! I am an artist, wife and a mother of 3 beautiful children! My Father is the King of kings and therefor I am greatly blessed! I am South African born of French, Dutch and Flemish decent a.k.a Afrikaans. Most of my life has been surrounded by the beautiful Cape vineyards, Cape Dutch architecture and colonial gardens of the beautiful country of mine where I draw inspiration from all things French and fabulous!